53rd Annual Crime Prevention Guide

POLICE ASSOCIATION OF NOVA SCOTIA 99 Including health care, criminal justice, and lost productivity, substance use cost Canada over $46 billion as of 2017. Substance use is not only costly, but it’s also dangerous. Alcohol, nicotine, and other drug addictions cause health problems, social issues, and can be deadly. An estimated 21% of Canadians, about 6 million people, will meet the criteria for addiction in their lifetime Key Statistics on Substance Use and Drug Addiction in Canada. More than ⅔ of substance use costs are alcohol or tobaccorelated Alcohol abuse cost Canada $14.6 billion in 2014 Tobacco use cost Canada $12 billion in 2014 Opioid use (oxycodone, hydrocodone, fentanyl) cost Canada $3.5 billion in 2014 Cannabis use cost Canada $2.8 billion in 2014 Addiction in Canada by Substance Canada’s most commonly abused drugs are alcohol, nicotine/tobacco, and cannabis. Illegal drugs and the abuse of prescription drugs are also serious issues for Canadians. Alcohol Alcohol is the most common drug used by Canadians 249 per 100,000 hospitalizations were entirely caused by alcohol (comparable to the rate for heart attacks which was 243 in 100,000) Alcoholcaused hospitalizations are 13x higher than for opioids Alcohol contributed to 22% of all substanceuserelated deaths in Canada in 2014 (14,826 deaths) 15% of Canadians who drink alcohol drink more than recommended by Canada’s Lowrisk Alcohol Drinking Guidelines Alcoholrelated health, law enforcement, and productivity problems cost Ontario at least $5 billion yearly Nicotine Smoking is responsible for nearly 17% of deaths in Canada 18% of Canadians used a tobacco product in the past 30 days 3% of Canadians used an ecigarette in the past 30 days Cannabis Over 40% of Canadians have used cannabis in their lifetime About 15% of Canadians have used cannabis in the past year About 32% of Canadians who have used cannabis in the past 3 months reported using it daily or almost daily Prescription Drug Misuse 5% of Canadians who reported using psychoactive prescriptions in the past year also reported problematic use 12% of Canadians used opioid pain relievers in the past year, and 3% reported problematic use Of Canadians who reported pastyear stimulant use, 19% reported problematic use Of Canadians who reported pastyear use of sedatives, 1% reported using sedatives to get high Illicit Drug Use An estimated 3% of Canadians have used one of 5 illegal drugs (including cocaine or crack, ecstasy, speed or methamphetamines, hallucinogens, and heroin) in the past year Addiction Statistics In Canada ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? continued