POLICE ASSOCIATION OF NOVA SCOTIA 107 Your neighbours, friends, and family members are important resources, as well. Think about who you can talk to within your own circle of care. Reach out to make your circle wider and stronger. Where to get help (continued) SENIORS' SAFETY PROGRAMS Many communities have a Seniors' Safety Program. The programs operate in partnership with local police agencies, including RCMP, municipal police, or town police. Seniors' Safety Programs promote education and awareness about senior abuse, crime prevention, and safety and health issues. Western Region Kings County Kings County Seniors Safety Program Association (902) 542-3817 Annapolis County Annapolis County Seniors’ Safety Program Association (902) 665-4481 Digby County Digby Town and Municipality RCMP Seniors’ Safety Program Association (covers Digby County except Municipality of Clare) (902) 308-0544 Municipality of Clare Safety Program, Security for Seniors Association/Association des seniors en sécurité (902) 769-8790 Yarmouth County Yarmouth County Seniors’ Safety Program Municipality of the District of Argyle (bilingual) (902) 881-4099 Yarmouth Rural RCMP Detachment / Municipality of the District of Yarmouth (902) 881-4099 Shelburne County Shelburne County Senior Safety Society (902) 637-8158 Queens County Queens County Seniors’ Safety Program (902) 350-0231 Lunenburg County Lunenburg Senior’s Safety Program Phone: (902) 543-3567 Website: Northern Region Antigonish County Antigonish Town and County Seniors’ Safety Program Phone: 902-863-6500 rams Richmond County Richmond County Seniors’ Safety Program (902) 587-2800 ext:5 Victoria County Victoria County Seniors’ Safety Program (902) 295-3672 Eastern Region Hants County Hants County Seniors’ Safety Program Phone: (902) 798-7173 Cumberland County Cumberland County Seniors' Safety Program Phone: (902) 664-4540 Pictou County Pictou County Seniors’ Safety Program Phone: (902) 755 -2886 Colchester County Colchester County Seniors’ Safety Program Phone: (902) 897-3277 Central Region Halifax Area Halifax Regional Municipality Seniors’ Safety Program, VON Greater Halifax Branch Phone: 902-455-6393