POLICE ASSOCIATION OF NOVA SCOTIA 105 Where to get help (continued) SENIORS MENTAL HEALTH PROGRAMS Call to find out more about these programs that offer mental health services specifically focused on the needs of seniors. NOTE:A referral from your doctor may be required to access these services. • Dartmouth (902) 464-6054 • Halifax (902) 473-7799 • Kings/Annapolis Counties: (902) 679-2870 • Kings (902) 825-4825 • Cape Breton District: (902) 561-1729 NOVA SCOTIA PUBLICTRUSTEE Call to find out about: • Administration of Estate - for deceased persons, incompetent persons, children, and missing persons • informed consent - for health care, placement to a continuing care home or home care services Public Trustee Office Phone: (902) 424-7760 novascotia.ca/just/pto/ Health Care Decisions Division Phone: (902) 424-4454 NOVA SCOTIA HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION Call for information on human rights, resources available and dispute resolution. Phone: 902-424-3139 Toll Free: 1-877-269-7699 www.gov.ns.ca/humanrights/ NOVA SCOTIA OFFICE OFTHE OMBUDSMAN Call if you feel you have been treated unfairly by a provincial or municipal government body, or you have a complaint about a Nova Scotia government service.The Nova Scotia Office of the Ombudsman may be able to help you. Phone: 902-424-6780 Toll-free within Nova Scotia: 1-800-670-1111 www.novascotia.ca/ombu/index.htm CANADIAN NETWORK FOR THE PREVENTION OF ELDERABUSE (CNPEA) An organization dedicated to the prevention of the abuse of older people in Canada.Their website has information about abuse and neglect issues concerning older adults. cnpea.ca/en/ NOVA SCOTIA DEPARTMENT OF SENIORS 1-844-277-0770 (toll-free) 902-424-0770 (metro) 902-424-0561 (fax) Email: seniors@NovaScotia.ca PEACE BOND INFORMATION • Legal Info Nova Scotia’s information on Peace Bonds at legalinfo.org • Visit courts.ns.ca or a Provincial Court for forms and information on how to apply for a Peace Bond • Peace Bond fact sheet at canada.ca/victims continued REMEMBER… You have a right to be treated with respect. You have a right to be safe. You have a right to make your own choices