POLICE ASSOCIATION OF NOVA SCOTIA 57 SOMETIMES it can be hard to tell whether or not you or your children are being abused. This information may help you to understand your own situation. All family violence is wrong. Some of it is against the law. Family violence is any form of abuse or neglect that a child or adult experiences from a family member or intimate partner (boyfriend, girlfriend, spouse, fiancé(e). It is an abuse of power by one person to hurt and control someone who trusts and depends on them. Abuse can happen between anyone in a family, including young children, grown children, parents, elderly parents, siblings, intimate partners and extended family-like uncles or step-parents. It can happen in opposite and same-sex couples. Examples of violence include: Physical abuse - you or your children are •hit, kicked, burned, pushed, choked or punched. •threatened-someone threatens to hurt or kill you, your family or your pets. Sexual abuse - you are •forced to perform sexual activities of any kind. •made to have sex without contraception. •deliberately given a sexual disease or infection. Sexual abuse can also happen between intimate partners. Even if you are married or engaged, your partner cannot force you to have sex. Child sexual abuse - your children are taken advantage of for sexual purposes if they •touch someone's genitals. let someone touch their genitals. •have sex. •watch others have sex or look at porn. •take off their clothes or watch someone undress. •have nude photos taken. Emotional abuse-you or your children are •treated like a possession. •constantly criticized and put down. •told that you are stupid or worthless. •ignored or neglected-or given the silent treatment. •threatened-someone threatens to abandon you or leave you behind. HOW TO RECOGNIZE IF YOU OR YOUR CHILDREN ARE BEING ABUSED Public Health Agency of Canada Agence de la santé publique du Canada continued...